A Christmas message from our CEO, Stewart Pope

Christmas is coming . . . but we’re not getting slack! Next month sees the deadline for Self-Assessment tax returns, so the weeks leading up to the cut-off date for filing online returns – 31 January 2019 – are particularly busy for anyone who works in the world of accountancy.

That said, all thoughts of tax or VAT will be put to one side as we enjoy a well-earned break over Christmas. But rest assured we’ll be back on Wednesday 2 January to start the new year with our usual energy and professionalism.

2018 has been another momentous year, both politically and in terms of the economy. In these uncertain times, no-one can predict exactly what the coming twelve months will bring. But however turbulent the political climate, we will be working hard to overcome any challenges that our clients face.

It’s certainly been a busy year across all seven of our branches in central London and Kent. Our specialist teams have been helping clients achieve their goals in all types of industries and sectors, from banking and law to education, healthcare and hospitality.

One phrase on everyone’s lips has been Making Tax Digital – the government scheme to implement online tax filing and payment as well as digital record keeping. Mandatory online filing for VAT returns begins in April 2019, so if this is an area you need help with, now is the time to get in touch with our MTD experts who can guide you through the whole process.

Alongside our accountancy work, we’ve been delighted to organise and support a number of fundraising initiatives to raise money for our designated company charity, Family Matters. We’ve also taken further steps to ensure our green credentials are stronger than ever, for example by reducing paper and plastics in our offices and using recyclable products whenever we can.

Our review of the year wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a truly memorable evening at the Perrys Exceptional Awards in November. Now in its third year, we set up this awards night to recognise the amazing work being done across the Kent community by charities, businesses and individuals. When you read about our inspiring Exceptional Awards winners, you’ll understand why this is such a special evening for everyone concerned.

Another tradition we like to honour is Christmas Jumper Day. As well as a fine selection of festive knitwear, Tunbridge Wells staff also sported some seasonal specs and slippers! Great effort from all the team – together we raised a healthy sum for Save the Children.

As this is the final blog of 2018, I’d like to join with my colleagues in wishing all our clients, suppliers and partners a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous new year.