Perrys Charity Timeline
Here at Perrys, we recognise that it is due to our local communities that we are the successful practice we are today. We like to thank our communities by donating and helping local projects.
Although our chosen charity is Communigrow, we have lots of charity events that we support. This timeline highlights some of the charity work we have done over the years:

In 2024/5 we are aiming to reduce our carbon footprint. We have therefore decided not to send out physical calendars this year. Instead, we came up with a plan that allows someone to win £500 for their chosen charity, but also allows us to continue with our internal calendar competition for staff. This year’s winner is Louise Young who has asked us to donate her winnings to Hayley’s Heroes.

Nourish Food Bank Collection
10 December 2024
Together some of the branches donated food and money on the run up to Christmas to support Nourish, a food bank based in Tunbridge Wells. They work with the local communities, supporting them by delivering emergency food supplies, to people who need it most.

Street Paws Donation
6 December 2024
Every year the Perrys branches make a collection for a local charity or food bank. This year the London branch made a collection for Street Paws UK. This charity helps to keep homeless people and their pets together, so no one has to chose between their pet and having a safe place to stay. To find out more about their work you can find them on Instagram.

Communigrow Charity Quiz Night
Saturday 19 October
The ‘Smart-Assets’ took part in the Communigrow quiz night. Unfortunately the team didn’t live up to their name! It was a great night and £1,400 was raised by Communigrow. For more information on the night you can visit their Instagram page.

3 Peaks Challenge
21 September 2024
Our adventurers returned on Monday afternoon. Although they didn’t complete the challenge within the 24 hours, they managed to raise a staggering £5,749 for our chosen charity Communigrow!!
8 Team members, including Emma, Alex, Luke, Rachael, Scott, Tom, Alfie and Clare C tackled Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike. Steve, our Managing Partner, completed Snowdon with his brother and sister due to time restrictions and weather conditions.
We have more pictures available on our Instagram and Facebook site.
#3peakschallenge #3peaks #bennevis #scafellpike #snowdon #communigrow @Communigrow

Charity Boxing Match
23 March 2024
Michelle Downs, Manager of our West Malling office, and her daughter Katie fight in a charity kick boxing match to raise money for ECHO – Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation.
A cause very close to her, Michelle’s son Charlie (now 11) needed open heart surgery at 4 months old due to a genetic condition and received this treatment at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
The support Michelle’s family received during and after the operation provided a lot of hope and comfort. Michelle has said “As a family we are forever grateful for the people who contributed to saving Charlie and supporting us as a family”.
#charityboxing #echo #evalinachildrensheartorganisation #charity

Garden Tidy-up at We Are Beams Charity
9 February 2024
This morning our Orpington branch headed down to @wearebeams, a charity that supports disabled children and their families.
They tidied and cleaned the garden area ready for the spring. Well done team, great job 👏
#communitygardening #wearebeams #charitywork

Tunbridge Wells Foodbank Donation
14 December 2023
Perrys donated over 37kg of groceries to Nourish, Tunbridge Wells.
Thank you to everyone that helped us collect this donation.
@rtwtogether @visit_tunbridgewells @mytunbridgewells @official_tunbridge_wells

Christmas Jumper Day
8 December 2023
This year our offices put on their best Christmas jumpers in aid of Hospice in the Weald, in Pembury, Tunbridge Wells.
As you can see, there are some stunning jumpers and even a Father Christmas!
#christmasjumperday #hospiceintheweald #perrysaccountants

Glass Door Donation
5 December 2023
Last week our London branch made a donation to Glass Door Homeless Charity Christmas Appeal.
Homelessness can happen to anyone. This Christmas, please help us support those facing homelessness by donating to their Christmas Appeal.
With your help, they can continue to provide vital support to people that need it.
#glassdoorhomelesscharity #homelesscharity #supportinghomelessness

Wrotham Foodbank Collection
2 December 2023
Our Wrotham branch have had their annual food bank collection and gathered donations for The Community Cupboard, West Kingsdown.
Well done Wrotham, a fantastic effort for the local community.
#foodbank #westkingsdowm #wrotham #foodbankcollection

Children in Need
10 November 2023
Dale Hill Hotel and Golf Club will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary of Children in Need. Perrys have supplied a few prizes to help them on their way.
#childeninneed #pudsey #dalehillhotel

Paul’s Sponsored Walk
16 September 2023
Paul Parsons from our Tunbridge Wells office completed his 20km walk for the MS Society.
Paul has raised over £1,445, smashing his £1,000 target. Paul enjoyed his walk and was happy to be greeted by his family at the end. Well done Paul!
#mssociety #ms

Perrys Charity Football Match
17 June 2023
Perrys charity football match took place at Dartford Football Club.
The Perrys team played against the Polypipe staff and in a tense game, the final score was 11-2 to Perrys.
We managed to raise a staggering £523 for Communigrow. Well done to the Perrys team and thank you to everyone that helped on the day.
#charityfootball #charityfootballmatch #dartfordfootballclub

Inflatable Challenge
20 May 2023
The Perrys team took part in the Inflatable Challenge for Abigail’s Footsteps on Saturday! It was great fun and so far they have managed to raise £365 for the charity.
#inflatablechallenge #abigailsfootsteps

Nourish Easter Egg Donation
6 April 2023
This morning we popped down to @nourish to donate 40 easter eggs to celebrate Perrys turning 40 and the end of Emma and Sharon’s lent.
The cost of living crisis is affecting multi-generations. In previous years, families who were struggling were often helped out by parents, but now parents are struggling just as much.
#costofliving #easter #eastereggs #lent #nourish #foodbank #communityfoodbank

Bottomless Brunch
4 March 2023
Perrys sponsored a ‘Bottomless Brunch’ with Hospice of Hope. This event was held at The Grey Lady, Tunbridge Wells and included live music.
Hospice of Hope managed to raise £1,800 which will help towards the great work they are doing.

Communigrow Sponsored Dig
18 October 2022
In October Perrys took part in a sponsored dig at Communigrow. Our aim was to raise funds for Communigrow and kick start the pond project. The pond will be an area of education and also and area of reflection, dedicated to the lovely Lesley Sexton, who worked for us for her whole working life and is very sadly missed.
We raised £825 in total.
#community #dig #gardening

Hospices of Hope Bottomless Brunch
Saturday 5 March 2022
Perrys was so proud to sponsor this event, hosted by Hospices of Hope who provide hospice care in 5 countries. They hosted a bottomless brunch to raise money to support their essential work in Albania, Greece, Moldova, Romania and Serbia.
“£350 is the equivalent of 8 sessions in our day centre for a child or adult who is suffering from a rare or terminal illness. Your sponsorship will have a direct impact on the lives of our patients so on their behalf, we thank you for your support!” – Hospices of Hope.
#hospiceofhope #gin #gintasting

Hospices of Hope Gin Tasting
12 February 2022
Perry Accountants are proud to have sponsored a gin tasting event at The Spitfire, Kings Hill on 9 September. The event raised over £1,000 for Hospice of Hope. This is an incredible sum of money that will go towards helping children in South East Europe receive palliative care.
#hospiceofhope #gin #gintasting

Alex Skinner – London Marathon
3 October 2021
Our Consultant, Alex Skinner ran in The London Marathon which took place on Sunday 3 October and managed to complete it in just over 4 hours! Alex commented that “It was really tough! It was going really well until mile 21 and then I got a cramp in my leg, I battled on and finished in 4 hours 8 minutes, which I was so happy with and the atmosphere was amazing” Alex is so grateful for all the support he’s received.
#marathon #londonmarathon

Alex Skinner – London Marathon
Sunday 4 October 2020
Due to COVID-19 the annual London Marathon became a virtual marathon where Alex ran through local towns and villages in the Medway Area. Alex completed the 26.2 mile marathon in 4 hours and 19 minutes. The money raised by Alex for this event went to Perrys’ chosen charity, Family Matters.
#marathon #londonmarathon

Gin Tasting Event – Vittle & Swig, Tunbridge Wells
Friday 26 April 2019
Perrys were proud to sponsor Hospices of Hope’s gin tasting evening in aid of the charity.
Hospices of Hope helps to provide palliative care to adults and children across South Eastern Europe with terminal or life threatening illnesses.
#gin #gintasting #hospiceofhope

Skydive – Headcorn Aerodrome
Friday 26 October 2018
In order to raise money for our sponsored charity; Family Matters, four plucky members of our Wrotham team: David, Ryan, Luke and Donna, decided it would be a good idea to put their lives on the line and jump out of an aeroplane in a tandem skydive.
We are pleased to confirm the skydive was a success, raising over £2,500.
#skydive #charityskydive

Charity Quiz Night, Hayesbrook School
Friday 28 September 2018
A TAXing evening of trivia, food and fun was enjoyed by a number of teams comprising of Perrys clients and contacts. Team CWJ from Clarkson Wright & Jakes Ltd were crowned the evening’s Exceptional Eggheads.
#charityquiz #quiznight #quiz

100k Thames Path Challenge
Saturday 9 September – Sunday 10 September 2016
There were celebrations in all our offices in September after a group of Perrys staff raised a whopping £7,485 for our chosen charity, The Kent Cancer Trust. The six staff who undertook the mammoth task were Simon Hayden and Carolyn Murphy from our Tunbridge Wells office, Jamie Russell from our Wrotham office, our CEO Stewart Pope from our City office and Steve Hale and Zoe Gibbons from our Orpington office. They were joined by Steve’s brother Mark and friend Peter Sutton along with his son Luke.
#100km #thamespathchallenge #charitywalk

London Triathlon (1,500m swim, 40k bike and 10k run)
Saturday 8 August 2015
Always up for a challenge, our team undertook the gruelling challenge of the London Triathlon swimming, cycling and running their way to a staggering £7,495 of funds for charity.
#triathlon #charitytriathlon

30 mile walk to mark 30 years of Perrys
Saturday 21 September 2013
30 mile walk to mark 30 years of Perrys from our Mayfair office, via the Orpington office to finish at our Wrotham office.
The gruelling challenge started in London travelling through to Kent and raised an amazing £7,585 for our chosen charity, Kent Cancer Trust.
#sponsoredwalk #charitywalk #30miles

24-hour cyclothon at Tunbridge Wells office
Friday 13 July to Saturday 14 July 2012
We became pedal pushers extraordinaire during our 24-hour cyclothon proving that not only can we count beans, we are full of them too! An amazing £6,116.53 went to our charity of choice, The Pickering Cancer Drop-In Centre.
#pickeringcancer #pickeringcancercentre #charity
3 Peaks Challenge
Our staff took on the 3 peaks challenge. The aim was to complete the Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon within 24 hours. After battling their way through traffic, they manage to complete it in 27 hours.
#3peaks #3peakschallenge #snowdow #scafellpike #bennevis